sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2020

Pátria Unida to support Linhares for president

As the 4776 election approaches, it is time to think of what's best for our nation. Even being such a young party, we can be proud of what we accomplished. We founded a political party that truly represents Tukarese people's values, we managed to successfully endorse anti-corruption laws and prevent further flexibilization of the right to divorce and, most important of all, we sent out a message: establishment politicians won't get away with it so easily. Not anymore!

Still, in spite of all we achieved thanks to our militants and an ever growing number of passionate supporters, we must recognize that we are not alone on this cause and joining forces is, sometimes, the very best we can do. Therefore, as the President of Pátria Unida (United Fatherland), I'm happy to announce we are going to support Mr. Antonio Linhares for Presidente da República Democrática. In addition to it, a formal coalition between União Nacional (National Union) and Pátria Unida is officially formed, going by the slogan "Tukarali Unida" (United Tukarali).

Together we're stronger and united we are invincible. May God bless our nation.

Miguel Petroni, President of Pátria Unida.

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