sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

Cecília Cardoso wins the primaries

     Cecília Cardoso, former Justice Minister in both Petroni's and Coutinho's administrations, will be running for office in the upcoming presidential election. With 54% of the votes, Cardoso defeated former Defence Minister Roberto Ferrari (32%) and congressman Leonardo Petroni (14%) in Patria Unida's primaries, held this Saturday (08/07/4797).

    More than 520.000 party members were eligible to vote and there was a turnout of 63%, exceding the expectations of about 55%. The militants then gathered at the party headquarters in São Miguel for a brief speech from Cardoso, who thanked the support of the present voters beside party leaders Afonso Coutinho, Miguel Petroni and Paulo Bianchi de Sousa. 

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2020

Costa celebrates as new economic reform is approved

Sebastião Costa, at a local business conference in São Miguel.

    The first step towards economic development and a more complex exports matrix. That's how Sebastião Costa, President Coutinho's Finance Minister, referred to the National Programme for Economic Development (PNDE), unanimously approved at the Assembléia Nacional. The reform aims at improving the market enviroment, as well as setting guidelines for economic planning in the nation's effort with regards to industrial policy.

    According to Costa, the government managed to transform Tukarali in an attractive alternative for foreign and local investors. "We made the shift to an economy that taxes income, not businesses, and now we have a modern labour market legislation with a legal arrangement designed to create a healthy market environment for companies and investors", said Sebastião, attending to a conference with businessmen in São Miguel.

    For more information and further reading:

sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2020

Pátria Unida to support Linhares for president

As the 4776 election approaches, it is time to think of what's best for our nation. Even being such a young party, we can be proud of what we accomplished. We founded a political party that truly represents Tukarese people's values, we managed to successfully endorse anti-corruption laws and prevent further flexibilization of the right to divorce and, most important of all, we sent out a message: establishment politicians won't get away with it so easily. Not anymore!

Still, in spite of all we achieved thanks to our militants and an ever growing number of passionate supporters, we must recognize that we are not alone on this cause and joining forces is, sometimes, the very best we can do. Therefore, as the President of Pátria Unida (United Fatherland), I'm happy to announce we are going to support Mr. Antonio Linhares for Presidente da República Democrática. In addition to it, a formal coalition between União Nacional (National Union) and Pátria Unida is officially formed, going by the slogan "Tukarali Unida" (United Tukarali).

Together we're stronger and united we are invincible. May God bless our nation.

Miguel Petroni, President of Pátria Unida.

sexta-feira, 19 de junho de 2020

Manifesto Patriótico


"Apenas de nós depende que o sol, belo como nunca, brilhe sobre Tukarali"

Manifesto Patriótico

Este é um documento sintetizando o pensamento e o programa do Pátria Unida, o partido em defesa dos verdadeiros valores tukarêses. Não podemos mais cruzar os braços enquanto os mesmos grupos políticos de sempre governam nossa nação de forma inerte e covarde. 

É preciso ter coragem para resgatar elementos de identidade nacional e fazer valer nossa cultura em todo seu esplendor, reforçando nossas raízes artanianas, esinsundanas e indígenas, além de nossa fé auroriana. Na economia, podemos fazer muito mais para que cada tukarês tenha uma perspectiva positiva acerca do futuro, com a certeza do emprego e de viver em um país no qual as autoridades, as instituições e o governo atuam pelo contínuo desenvolvimento e crescimento da indústria e agronegócio nacionais. Apenas dotados de vontade política e força militar poderemos subverter o establishment e transformar Tukarali em uma potência da qual o povo se orgulhará e os inimigos temerão.

Um basta ao atraso! Basta à influência gao-showa forçada! Basta àqueles que atacam nossa identidade!

Por isso, dizemos: DEUS, PÁTRIA E PROGRESSO! 


"It is only up to us that the sun, beautiful as never before, over Tukarali shines"

Patriotic Manifesto

In this document we sum up the thinking and the program behind Pátria Unida (United Fatherland), the party in defense of the real Tukarese values. We shall not stand idly by while the same political groups govern our nation in such an inert and coward fashion.

It takes courage to restore elements of national identity and to assert our culture in all its splendor, reinforcing our Artanian, Esinsundanian and indigenous roots, in addition to our Aurorian faith. As for the economy, we can do much more so that each Tukarese has a positive perspective towards his future, with jobs assured and a country in which authorities, institutions and government are willing to pursuit continuous development and growth of the domestic industry and agribusiness. It is only with political will and military might that we can overthrow the establishment and transform Tukarali in a superpower of which the people shall be proud and the enemies shall be frightened.

No more backwardness! No more forced gao-showan influence! No more attacking our cultural identity!